Gina Hipsher – Administrator of Elections
Appointed 2015
The Administrator of Elections is appointed by the members of the the Grainger County Election Commission. The Grainger County Election Commission is comprised of five members appointed by the State Election Commission.
The Grainger County Election Commission conducts all elections; federal, state, county, and city. Tennessee Election Laws are the foundation of all administrative election procedures in the State of Tennessee. This law is published under the direction of the Secretary of State and the Coordinator of Elections.
The MISSION of the Grainger County Election Commission is to administer all elections securely and fairly with the highest level of professionalism and integrity; to provide a comprehensive and uniform election procedure; and to encourage all citizens to participate in the electoral process.
The major functions of the Grainger County Election Commission:
- Manage all voter registration in Grainger County and all voter list maintenance;
- Plan and implement all elections in Grainger County; federal, state, county, city
- Provide election information to residents and prospective voters;
- Maintain candidate and referendum records, including nominating petitions and local campaign finance reports;
- Comply with all State law and promulgated rules regarding Elections in the State of Tennessee and monitor any new legislation and updates for any changes to the law or rules.
Election Commission
7701 Rutledge Pike
P.O. Box 28
Rutledge, TN 37861
Phone: (865) 828-5132
Fax: (865) 828-6161
Email: grainger.commission@tn.gov
Office Hours: Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. EST

Terry Johnson, Chairman
Kathy Dunsmore, Secretary
Tina Stratton Morrow, Member
Brett Powers, Member
Ronna Cabbage Yates, Member
Gina Hipsher
It is my honor to serve as your Administrator of Elections. My office takes pride in serving the citizens of Grainger County, Tennessee. I want to encourage all citizens to become active and involved in the voting process. In addition to being an active voter, I encourage you to get involved as a Poll Worker during our elections. We could not be successful without them! Finally, please always vote with confidence and know that my team is here to serve YOU!
Lori Bailey
David Garland
David Long
Social Contact